Working as a massage therapist can be very rewarding work, in several ways.
First of all those reactions that you elicit from your clients will make you feel great. There aren’t many jobs that can give you so much satisfaction. I really enjoy it when I see clients who came into my practice all stressed out and after they have gotten their massage they have a smile on their face, they’ve calmed down, they feel so great, they breathe deeper and all of a sudden they have that little sparkling in their eyes back again.
Another advantage of working as a massage therapist is that you have lots of freedom and independence if you want to. You do not have a boss who is looking over your shoulder and telling you how to do things.
And it’s a really easy to get started. Just go out there and offer your massage to several people. Put up some ads in the newspaper. Though don’t spend a lot of money when you’re just starting out, the classifieds section is totally fine. Some newspapers will be more effective in generating clients than others and you want to make sure that you track which once were effective and which ones don’t.
If you’re not sure whether this is the right profession for you or not, you can just give it a try without making a big commitment. Instead of going to massage schools first and becoming a licensed massage therapist, you can just start out offering relaxing massages. These massages have no therapeutic intend, they just feel good and have the person relax.
The only thing that you want to be sure about is that you follow your states licensing laws. It is very regulated how you can advertise your business, what kinds of claims you can may when you offer massages – so be sure that you know what you’re allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do.
Then just get some hands on experience. Practice first with friends and family. If you see a friend who is tired of stressed out than just offer him a quick backrub. Of course you should not charge for this. This is really just about getting started. Getting experience.
Once you have done that for a couple of weeks and at least every day giving someone a massage and you still think that this is something that you would enjoy doing then proceed to the next step. Ataşehir masöz
Tell your friends and family about your plans and offer them a real massage, like a one hour massage. This again is totally free and just to get experience and some feedback from a person that you actually massage.
Once you have done that a couple of times and the feedback is positive start advertising your business. Put some classified ads in the newspaper. And see if people react. And go to local businesses and ask them if they are interested in putting these on the counter so that clients can take them if interested. Many businesses will help you gladly. And then one day you first phone call arrives. And it’s a client.
One thing that I do want to mention to you is that you should make it clear statement in your advertisement that you are not offering any kind of erotic service. If you fail to do that, you might get some requests for happy endings and extras. However if you make a clear statement in your advertisements that you do not offer these services then you are really on the safe side from my experience. Since I implemented this simple technique I stopped getting these kinds of requests.
At one point you will have to think about registering a business. This is of course something that you should inform yourself about before getting started. You do not want to break any laws. Where I am living it is actually possible to start a business and not register it for about two months and only if you in this time generate revenue do you have to register the business. See if something like this is possible where you are living and if so make use of this.
Another thing that you will definitely need is a massage table. A massage table will probably be the biggest upfront investment in your massage career. You should not get a flimsy massage table that makes squeaking noises if you apply pressure or even has the shaky feeling to it.