There are a handful of things recognize about being news editors. This is not a job where you show up in nice clothes and looking good, just to sit right in front of a camera half an hour. You don’t get to go back home. You will work a full work day with lots of overtime in some instances. Those news reporters a person need to see performing all of your news every day have been there for hours preparing, and possibly stay all morning performing on stories until they again deliver what is the news at midday. After that, new reporters come in, work all afternoon and through the dinner party. It can be a very intense career.
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You may try to disguise it, may try limit it, but in the end a casual tracker of current news affairs loves it too much as the rest of us. It’s news for a good reason. Because to someone, somewhere, it’s important and excellent . to realize it. You needn’t be ashamed that enjoy tracking the latest scoops all day long. Just look in the more serious watchers. A news channel on every station, Serphoholic Media on the web, or a little podcast coming in anytime something exciting develops. It’s human nature to be concerned with the world around us.
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